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Summer Enrichment & Summer Learning

The North Plainfield School District is proud to offer Summer Enrichment and Summer Learning for the 2024 Summer Season.

Summer Enrichment

The North Plainfield School District is proud to provide all currently attending North Plainfield Preschool through 11th grade students the “no cost” opportunity to participate in a variety of Summer Enrichment experiences, in addition to the academic support available through the District Summer Learning programs.


Summer Enrichment Registration is now OPEN!

Please follow the step-by-step instructions, listed below, on how to register your child/children for Summer Enrichment Sessions.

District website →Parents & Community →Summer Enrichment & Learning → Summer Enrichment Registration →Genesis Parent Portal

  1. Once in your Genesis Parent Portal, Click on “Forms”
    1. You will see a list of available Forms for each of your children
    2. Go to the list for the child you wish to register
  2. From the list of available Forms for the child you wish to register, select “Summer 2024 Enrichment Programs”
  3. Within the registration form, check the box to select a session and register*
  4. You will need to complete a separate registration form for each child.  

* Each child’s registration form will only give options, from the Summer Enrichment brochure, that are appropriate for your child’s grade level.